Why This Trip and Why Now

Life is passing us by. with COVID-19. But it doesn’t need to keep us from amazing new experiences, as I discovered in early 2021 when I worked remotely in seven locations in Costa Rica for two months. The whole time I was in Costa Rica in 2021 I thought about hosting an event the following year. I wanted my close partners and friends to meet one another in an exciting location. I documented my entire 2021 trip and started planning the 2022 trip right away. This document is the result of those efforts.

What to do on the job and off the job, what to avoid, when to do certain things, where to stay and where to go for food, drink, fun, adventure, you name it: I know most of the questions you will have and have answers for most of them, too.

There is a concierge at each lodging location, as well as a dedicated concierge provided by the Selina hostel where we will be staying. You will meet one of them, Rafa Jiminez, at our first stop so you, too.

Join in, and you can get a taste of what it’s like to be a digital nomad, or perhaps even a SlowMad. No one is in a hurry, and you will be here for 2, 3, 4, or more weeks, perhaps. Everything slows down in Costa Rica and that’s one of the things people like most about it.

On this second “working remotely” trip, I am excited to share the experience with others I already know, like, and trust a great deal. I am only inviting a select few to join me in this inaugural affair (room capacity is very limited). Next year will be the “2nd annual event” and my 3rd time in these locations. We hope you enjoy your visit so much that you sign up early to return next year!

Besides meeting the other attendees, you will meet lots of super-interesting people from all over the world. You will also meet some digital nomad friends from my trip in early 2021.

In a nutshell, what everyone who attends the event has in common is ME. They are personal friends and business partners. If you are reading this document that means YOU are in this category, too. You will then create your own relationships with one another, relationships that last and renew each year at this event.