Travel Preparedness Videos

This new lifestyle is not a yellow brick road, where everything is already paved, and that is much of the appeal. There is no Subway, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut where we are going. It’s very cultural and the people are very friendly. Still, there are things to be aware of so you don’t have any setbacks.

Before I went in early 2021, I watched over 300 YouTube videos to learn as much as I could. It paid off very well. I pulled together a playlist of the best of these third party videos on my YouTube channel. Also on my YouTube channel I posted my Costa Rica adventures from early 2021. View these videos to get ready for the trip. You will see why when you get to Costa Rica. Even seasoned Costa Rican travelers appreciate these videos.

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I’m Mike O’Neil, Remote Working Pioneer, and I would like to share with you my best insights and tips for visiting Costa Rica, especially during COVID, to work, to play, to relax and to enjoy a new way of life.