Selina – Facilities Partner

Part of what makes all of this possible is this amazing company called Selina. they have the facilities and the capabilities that nobody else has. the one thing I can point to is the co-working facility and everything else is moot. if you’re looking for vacation places, there are plenty of options, but if you are looking to work wow you do these things then there is nothing but Selina.


They have mastered something that he is quite amazing and will be quite popular in the post covid world. People want and need to work further on in their lives. They want that experience to be as simple carefree and rewarding as possible. They’re very often 50 years of age or more even sixty or seventy years of age and are looking for a rewarding experience with others.


The key point there is with OTHERS. Having things figured out and taken care of and provided for you in a strange country where they primarily speak another language without being distracted by the messy details is what this event will do for you.


It starts with a special lodging package 4 a month. even if you’re only staying for 2 weeks it’s a very attractive package. That includes all of the co-working facilities, the pool, the restaurant, the bar and the live bands that play once a week right where we live and work and enjoy each other’s company together.

Manuel Antonio

Our first location features three pools And has a great restaurant and bar area that we will frequent. the working facilities here are the best of anywhere that Selena has. we could work indoors or Outdoors together or separated, however, we like and we can change it from day to day. This is their largest property with over 50 rooms of all types.


I have not been to this facility that is right on the ocean. It has wonderful co-working I am told and the location being literally on the water is something I really want to experience. it’s a very unique experience at Selena as well I am told and the pool is quite an attraction as you can watch the sunset from the pool, the restaurant and the bar.

La Fortuna

This Gem of a location is up in the mountains at the base of the most volcano. We will visit it and have a “Spa Day” excursion with the hot springs that include a swim-up bar.


Selina in La Fortuna is located right in the heart of town and this lovely town. We will be out on the town almost every night seeing a different restaurant or bar or band, but Selina itself is quite an attraction with people from other places coming to see the band play here, where we live. 


There’s even a DJ one night to make it even more lively as well. We can literally be in the swimming pool with an ice-cold imperial beer (bottle) in our hand dancing in the water. It’s amazing. 

Other locations

Selena has many other locations around Costa Rica and around the world to experience. Most countries include multiple locations and they even include the United States. 


Panama, the country just to the south of Costa Rica, is a wonderful place to explore as well and Selena has many locations there. Look for something in the future with Panama perhaps.